No Immaculate Conceptions: Reviews & Testimonials

No Immaculate Conceptions is one of those books you’ll stay up all night reading.  It is compelling, entertaining and beautifully written.  Bethel’s experience as an insider in the political arena in DC is obvious in the authenticity he brings to his novel and his deep knowledge of how things really work in the Capital City.  It may also be the best book on politics since Allen Drury’s masterpiece Advice and Consent defined the genre more than 50 years ago. And in 50 years Bethel’s novel will be mentioned alongside Drury’s novel as a classic. Roger Stone

Author, NYT Best Seller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, Senior Staff, Consultant to Presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan Veteran Political Strategist

No Immaculate Conceptions is one of the best thrillers I’ve ever read and it is among the best books on politics — especially contemporary politics — that has been written in a long, long time.  Bethel is one of those very gifted writers who can draw in the reader with a compelling, well written story that is also layered with extremely thoughtful content.  Readers won’t be able to put this book down, and when they do, all will have a much better understanding of who pulls the strings in Washington and how they do so.

Nevada State Senator 1983-1986
Press Secretary, Senator Paul Laxalt 1979-1982
Bob Ryan

Author, Crucibles, Nevada State Senator 1983-1986; Press Secretary, Senator Paul Laxalt 1979-1982

No Immaculate Conception holds the reader’s attention with a well-crafted, suspenseful story of the pernicious influence of the desire for power while providing an insider’s view of life in the office of a powerful United States Senator and the daily interactions that take place among Capitol Hill, the White House and the vested interests. The book manages to address these intertwining subjects in thought provoking ways without sounding pedantic. If you are interested in Washington politics this book is a must read. Terry Wade

CEO, The Wade Group, Former Chief of Staff, Republican National Committee, and Former Washington Bureau Chief, Donrey Media

Having worked in Washington, DC politics, it was especially enthralling that I could visualize every political office used in the book. On the heels of Evil Town, readers will once again find themselves captivated by the remarkably accurate portrayal of the culture of American politics and Washington, DC personalities. Readers will not be able to resist racing down this political rabbit hole.

No Immaculate Conceptions includes characters from every significant fragment of Washington, DC. This gripping thriller will have the reader applauding for and hissing at the same character, while empathizing for others and identifying with yet others. The political scene may seem exaggerated, yet plausible; and, the storyline is filled with suspense and impact that I would liken to Ludlum. I can’t wait for the next book!

Lynn Sandford

Managing Member of Skök Innovations, LLC. , Former Executive Assistant, White House Office of Protocol